Hairpin turn
The hairpin turn is a turn of 180-degrees which can be a rather difficult one to execute perfectly. When you see a hairpin turn coming, here is what you should do: Firstly, enter the turn wide. Just before stirring in, break a little, this is a turn you can take with a little speed. Drive close past the apex and when your past the apex, it is ready to hit that pedal again.
90-degree karting turns
This is quite an easy turn. The only thing you really need to execute this turn with an A+ score is courage. “Why?” you might ask. That is because you can take a 90-degree turn at almost full speed, slowing down a lot is not necessary and will only cost you precious seconds on the circuit. How to take a 90-degree turn. Approach wide and slow down just a little, steer in, drive close past the apex, go full-throttle once again and enter the turn wide.
S-bend karting turns
An S-bend turn is multiple turns that flow into each other. And this makes it really difficult to nail it on the first or even the second try. An S-bend can differ per karting track. A few tips we can give you are: approach the S-ben full throttle and try to scrape the first apex. After this, what to do differs per venue. Try to keep the race line in mind and make sure you can exit the turn at a high speed. You can practice your S-bends on the tracks of TeamSport Karting in Crawley.
The Chicane
When you see a chicane turn, it’s time to show your karting skills. This is what you’ve been training for! When you drive towards the chicane here is what you do. You stir in and scrape the first apex. After this, the real work begins. When your past the first apex you hit the breaks slightly to reduce speed, do this with your steering wheel straight. You enter apex 2, scrape this one again, you may need to really turn that steering wheel around. When you hit the third apex you can hit the throttle again and enter wide. If you master this, you’re becoming a great karter.
Dubble right turn
A lot of rights, or lefts. You actually take this turn the same way you take a 90-degree turn. But, watch out when entering the first turn because your next turn is waiting just around the corner. Make sure you steer in wide, narrowly pass the apex, and enter the turn wide as well. You can practice this double right turn on the karting tracks of TeamSport Karting Newcastle.
These are the turns you can come across on a karting circuit. Book your next karting adventure now and show your friends your newly learned karting skills when you drive past them!